Monday, January 24, 2005

News from the Bananaville Gazette


-Ugly Red Bums outraged by new marital laws that limit them to have only 5 wives.
-Mayor Munky says more trees to be planted to solve monkey traffic.

In Entertainment News:

Movies from Planet Earth (Review by Minkey Girl)
-Simon Birch (1998)

Here’s a movie about inspiration, friendship and bravery you bouncy monkeys! Being little as Simon Birch isn’t a bad thing after all! This movie will make you cry your hearts out!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhh, damn Disney! Bawwwwwwaaaahaaaaaaaa! Happy crying!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Memoirs of a Minkey Girl

This is what I looked like in a previous life.

This is how I looked after going through George Lucas.

*Stardate 48892.1-There I was standing all alone, travelling through deep space, staring out to the galaxy with my golden plastic eyes wondering will they have fried chicken tonight?

*Stardate 59992.2-Ok, I can fly, but when will I get laid?

Coconutz FM 100 playing: Stargazer-Tea Party

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Being Minkey Girl

(Princess & the Pea Illustration by E. Dulac)
I’m an insomniac. I think sleeping is for dead people. No, I don’t see dead people! I see cows walking around in outfits. I still haven’t found that perfect pillow. It is difficult to put my brain to sleep, that’s why I write a lot. I mean a lot. I bounce a lot too. Too much monkey power! Once I arrived on planet Earth I had to have my tail surgically removed to be less conspicuous. It was traumatizing. I soon recovered when a wise monkey suggested getting a trampoline. Oh well, now at least I don’t have to worry about getting my tail frozen here in Canada. My trampoline is my brand new favorite thing. By the way, if you’re a curious bunny on how I ended up in Montreal, Canada out of all those warmer places, blame the MBIS (Monkey Business Intelligence Service). They did all those insane calculations (it took them a full year) and put me here. All my arguing about they could have made a slight mistake, the signal might have been better from Hawaii failed. Coming from a warm climate, it took quite some time getting used to the Canadian cold. I soon found out it’s all about layering. If it’s between -1C/-10C you wear one layer of clothing. If it’s between -10C/-15C, two layers and so on. It’s a bit difficult to move in 4 layers, I tell ya. Shopping from girlie stores don’t keep you warm either. All those tiny tops and short coats out there, you wonder how the female kind survives here. I also learned a brand new word “Galosh”. Oh those hideous, huge rubber over shoes for the mud and snow. I still refuse to wear them, even if it means breaking my leg on ice. Another thing you get accustomed to is watching loads and loads of hockey. Like it or not, that’s what you get every bloody night on TV or the local pub. Montreal is also a place of interesting earthlings and language rules. You can speak English all you like (and you’re perfectly understood too), but you’ll get the answer back in French. Officials in Zipton still haven’t found a way to load my brain up with French. Till that time comes, I will have more interesting conversations with the French male earthling who comes every month and reads the Hydro meter (something about earthling power source). No, he’s not young and sexy! If I were a human, one of my aspirations would be to sing back vocals for a band like The Police and travel from town to town like gypsies do. You might be wondering, can Minkey Girl sing? Karaoke yes, real singing no. That reminded me a line from Indiana Jones “Fly yes, land no!” and they crash. Is The Police still making music? Wake up, wake up. Where was I just now? Hmm, curious thing.

Minkey Girl over & out
Coconutz FM 100 playing: It's Different for Girls- Joe Jackson

Luke Skywalker's Tragedy...

Introducing Hasbro's Darth Tater...

Obi Wan Kenobi: Luke, your father is a potato head.
Luke Skywalker: NOOOOOO, that's not true! That's impossible!

Poor Luke's screaming was heard throughout 10 galaxies. Like he hadn't gone through enough in his youth.

Minkey Girl over & out

Coconutz FM 100 playing: The Imperial March-Star Wars

DJ Bouncy & Minkey Girl Love William Shatner!

Hi I'm Dj Bouncy for the Coconutz FM 100 in Bananaville.

Our CD pick of the month is William Shatner's "Has Been".

I'm sure many of you know him more by the name Captain James T. Kirk, my fellow Bananaville monkeys. From now on, here on Coconutz FM 100 you'll hear your favorite Space Captain sing too. So turn up your radios man and stay tuned to your favorite radio station Coconutz FM 100. Where going bananas have a whole new meaning.
Dj Bouncy

What can I say fellow munchkins, William Shatner is simply the coolest earthling. Here's an interesting fact about Mr. Shatner: He was once attacked by a skunk and had to call 911 for help. At the time, he was actually hosting the Rescue 911 show. He also likes imitating Michael Flatley (Lord of the Dance) and I definitely prefer watching William Shatner! I recommend listening to "Has Been" after jumping of a cliff or a nice cold shower.
Minkey Girl

P.S By the way cute teddy bears, you can listen to samples from "Has Been" at

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Setting: You're in a drugstore yet again, looking at the long line of shampoos because the last one you got didn't make your hair bouncier, shinier, healthier, stronger, etc.

So you're desperately looking at a row of 100 freakin' shampoos, you take one bottle after another to smell the scent, and don't you hate it when you squirt shampoo up your nose and sneeze. After an hour of extensive, boring research deciding on the next miraculous shampoo, you hope that it didn't go up anybody elses nose and that finally your hair will be super duper gorgeous.

Minkey Girl over & out

News from the other planet formally known as Planet Earth, informally known as "The land of the not so wise, but hopefuls."

Yahoo news-The 555-seat (can hold up to 800 passengers) super jumbo Airbus A380 is revealed at a ceremony in Toulouse, France January 18, 2005. Airbus threw a spectacular party Tuesday for the world's largest airliner, the A380 -- overweight, overbudget and yet to fly, but hailed by its makers as a major European feat that will reshape aviation. Photo by Jean-Philippe Arles/Reuters

Comments made by various entities;

Minkey Girl: Do you really want to fly with 800 noisy people at 35 000ft?
Robin: Holy jumbo plane Batman!
His Holiness the 66th Holy Cow, the Holy Lord of wisdom: Can cows fly in this huge machine?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Silly Lines

The Mambo Kings (1992)
Armand Assante dancing with the girl. The girl's sister watching says: He thinks he's the last Coca Cola in the desert?

The Simpsons
Bart Simpson: Can I go to the bathroom please?
Martial arts instructor: You can if you believe that you can.

Big (1988)
Josh (Tom Hanks, who’s actually 13 yrs old) upsetting his buddy Billy
Billy (Jared Rushton): I’m 3 months older than you asshole!

Roman Holiday (1953)
Joe (Gregory Peck) to Princess Ann (Audrey Hepburn)-If you just keep your mind off the poetry and on the pyjamas, everything'll be alright; see?

Minkey Girl over & out

Friday, January 14, 2005

News from the other planet formally known as Planet Earth, informally known as "The land of the not so wise, but hopefuls."

PASADENA, Calif. (Reuters) - Europe's Huygens space probe landed on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, on Friday, sending back signals that it made a safe descent and its scientific experiments in the mysterious atmosphere had gone as planned.

Comments made by various entities;

Minkey Girl: Way to go earthlings!
Robin: Holy space probe Batman!

Why, oh why lovely earthlings?

Not in any particular order;

-Polluting the Earth
-Letting wars and hunger kill humans when it could be prevented
-Not voting
-Manipulators and brainwashers for evil purposes
-Teeth whitening craze
-Women’s magazines putting up images that aren’t real and marketing humans that they should look like that

-Really bad music on radio
-Female/male Pop Tarts
-Lord of the Dance (Michael Flatley)
-Tongue piercing (or even worse...)

-Really bad Hollywood scripts

-Bloody annoying TV ads (Depends (for adult wetters!), Imodium, Tampax, Yeast, Genital Herpes, etc)
-Having snails or poisonous puffer fish in expensive restaurants
-Reality TV shows
-Bitchy waitresses who forget to deliver your food or deliver the wrong dish and expect a large tip afterwards
-Nasty flight attendants, or even worse, old and cranky flight attendants probably going through menopause
-Small dogs in handbags
-Child porn
-Japanese cartoon porn
-Hunting animals for sport, not out of necessity
-Entertainment media
-Young earthlings reduced to bones
-Fake boobs
-Fake bums
-Michael Jackson’s nose
-Christian missionaries trying to convert Muslims
-“Another brilliant solution, to a problem that never really existed.” (As seen on TV products.)
-Grocery store coupons

-Expensive bottled water
-Hideous kitchen cupboards in rentals
-The know it all earthling guy in Canadian Tire ads
-Hockey lockout in Canada
-Coffee madness
-Quebec’s English laws
-Female earthlings showing belly buttons in extreme cold weather
-Wearing flip flops outside in winter time
-Who’s bubble gum is more minty ads that make you wonder if earthlings’ mouths stink that bad

-Pimp mobiles
-Bears riding bikes
-Elephants painting
-The mini
-Children's books written by former porn stars
-Some earthlings eating dogs
-Fishermen catching fish and then letting them go
-All that technology, but there are still earthlings isolated from one another who remain ignorant

Minkey Girl over & out

Coconutz FM 100 playing: Lust for life-Iggy Pop

Thursday, January 13, 2005

News from the Bananaville Gazette

Mickey Mouse Look-alike?

Bananaville residents have become increasingly curious about singer/songwriter Barry Manilow’s face looking more and more like the cartoon character Mickey Mouse. Our planet Earth insider Minkey Girl reports that humans have a secret technology to alter face and body. Many residents thought that this technology is bizarre, though they’ll continue enjoying both Mickey’s and Barry’s work.

Moki reporting

Coconutz Fm 100 playing: Wild Wild Life - Talking Heads

Monday, January 10, 2005

News from the Bananaville Gazette

Santa fooled MBIS again!

Monkeys all around planet Zipton were disappointed yet again when MBIS (Monkey Business Intelligence Service) officials announced that the Santa Claus they kidnapped from planet Earth is not the real, real Santa. This has been the 10th attempt of MBIS that failed to bring the real Santa to Zipton. Once again the job of delivering gifts was given to the Pointy White Beard Elders, who very happily took the job and showed no remorse over MBIS not finding the real Santa.
Moki reporting.
Coconutz FM 100 playing: Shock the Monkey - Peter Gabriel


The Setting: You are having dinner with your friends at a decent restaurant (because it’s your turn to pay…)

You start off with a Caesar salad and the waiter comes up to you with a humongous pepper mill (always wonder where the hell they got that from) and you have some pepper on your salad. You start eating your salad politely when, and don’t you hate it when, a fine piece of pepper gets stuck on your throat and you start coughing like you’re choking on something. You’re coughing loud as a horse and tears rolling down your eyes and what’s worse yucky stuff from your nose starts dripping. Your friends looking at you in a state like should we pat on her back or should we totally ignore it. All the other people in the restaurant are looking at you annoyed and scrunching their faces like what the hell is wrong with her, that’s nasty. And you’re thinking Bloody Hell!

Minkey Girl