Wednesday, October 19, 2005


This just in;

Minkey Girl who’s been on a top secret mission (check the Sasquatch files) somewhere in the Himalayan mountain region, has finally been able to send a distress message last night, after being missing longer than a month. MBIS (Monkey Business Intelligence Service) confirmed that they received an S.O.S, but have not been able to locate Minkey Girl due to the weak signal and treacherous region. Earlier this month, Minkey Girl was declared Missing in Action by both the MBIS of Zipton and the Minkey Squad that operates down on Planet Earth. A top official revealed part of the message in a press conference held earlier today at the Bananaville City Hall. The representative explained that he could not give all the details because foul play was suspected, and even though they do not have any suspects, it’s believed that Minkey Girl might still be under danger. Here’s a part of the message: Still alive. Stop. There are six of us left. Stop. Three lamas, an injured, migrating duck and a hairy creature. Stop. We are in a cave. Stop. Cannot find a way out. Stop. Lama spits are ruining my hair. Stop. The injured duck is driving me nuts! Stop. The hairy creature wants to eat the duck. Stop. Found some Sasquatch hair. Stop. We are getting good at poker! Stop. Please send toilet paper, sundaes and potpourri down here. Stop. MBIS and Minkey Squad have both dispatched mountain rescue teams.

Moki Reporting

An example of Minkey Girl's efforts to find a Sasquatch for our Planet Zipton;


At October 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that guy on the poster is my postman IM SURE OF IT....i shall track him down 2moro morning and tag him.
plus very good use of tense music on the site. makes me think there is either
a. a monster behind me
b. a detective ready the bust open the door and arrest me
c. my food is ready

At October 25, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Haha M.Beck, I would go with the monster. DG who's gonna supply the peanuts I'm in a cave! lol

At November 01, 2005, Blogger PirateKayle said...

Man I don't know how to play poker, but I could so do a spoons, or bs tournament. Or uno. Uno rocks, unless your that person who has half a deck a cards and is still drawing cause they don't have a blue or something. Haha those people are hilarious!

At November 11, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Hey, how did ya know how to do that?? I got myself a burger and small fries too with the peanuts, haha

At November 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...




At November 14, 2005, Blogger .:*Liss*:. said...

well i tried that DG and i turkey came out how do you explain that?

At November 15, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Hey don't forget we also have the sparkly pink shoes, hahaha

At November 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are back with a VENGEANCE....damn sasquatch! ;)

(it's mitz...i chgd my name)

At November 16, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Ola Mitzzzz! Alive and kicking :)


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