-Harold reveals to Minkey Girl that he might not be a Sasquatch after all, because most Canadians call him “Moose”.
-Pointy White Beard Elders protest against littering and dangers of banana peels on streets.
-Mayor Munky disappointed in recent Sasquatch events, though happy with the pumpkin pies that Minkey Girl sent him.
-Harold reveals to Minkey Girl that he might not be a Sasquatch after all, because most Canadians call him “Moose”.
-Pointy White Beard Elders protest against littering and dangers of banana peels on streets.
-Mayor Munky disappointed in recent Sasquatch events, though happy with the pumpkin pies that Minkey Girl sent him.

Minkey Girl Making New Allies
On our special report we follow Minkey Girl on a typical field trip on Earth, in search of very needed allies, for fight against evil entities. As our crew arrives at Minkey Girl headquaters (at an undisclosed location) and take off our blindfolds, we sense some tension in the air. Still, we are spoilt by MG’s hospitality and receive mango juice along with other delicious earthling refreshments. We soon find out that the Minkey Squad is troubled with some bad news about the Evil Pigeons joining forces with the Evil Seagulls. We are soon asked to change into earthling outfits to be less conspicuous and briefed by MG. It is amazing to see the elite Minkey Squad at work and transform into their ingenious disguises. We set of to a nearby forest that is privately owned and take our places in this specially designed cage wagon that is pulled by an earthling transporting device called a “tractor”, along with a bunch of annoying earthlings called “tourists”. It is a long, bumpy, narrow trail and strange earthling beasts in every corner. We soon understand why MG had been complaining about these small, flying, earthling creatures called “bugs”. There are lots of them and they bite us badly. The trip is harsh and the air is boiling hot. MG recalls “The loudest Quebecer man was sitting right next to me making my ears rust (only Canadians can understand the agony…). On my other side, the cutest baby girl sat and spoke in a weird dialect “yaya, dudu, googoo” and several times tried to pull off my tin hat. Later our team was able to translate it to “watch out for those antlers, they poke you in unwanted spots”. MG with all her excellent spy skills and the use of manipulation (a bucket of lamb chops) is able to meet the buffalo leader Burnaby The Great. Overall, the meeting goes well and Burnaby gives a long list of conditions to consider an alliance. MG gives us a glimpse of the now classified list:
- A week long vacation in Jamaica.
- Stay at Holiday Inn.
- Free room service.
- Have only RED M&M’s in the room daily.
- Have Evian bottled water at all times.
- A private masseuse.
- Free laser hair removal sessions.
- Surfing lessons, etc.
Moki reporting
- Surfing lessons, etc.
Moki reporting

Coconutz FM 100 playing: Bob Marley-Buffalo Soldier
MINKEY - can I come to your planet? PLEASE! i'll bring my pig bike and i'll wear seagull feathers with tin shoes. QUEBECORS....loud and in your ears RUSTY....good gracious, do i ever know it! need ear plugs to visit that province.
you are so DAMN FUNNY!!!!!!
just MADE MY DAY! ;)
Canadian humour, one of a kind.
what happens if there are different colours of M&M's in the room?
He'll poke u in unwanted places, duh!
I'd really like a piece of pumpkin pie now!
*walks to the fridge to check for what's left of her rich choc cake*
also I think a bag of pink and violet M&M's would be cool. I'll give my red ones to Mr Barnaby then -did I get that right, he wants them?
Jamaica sounds cool, I'd opt for Hawaii though...maybe that's where the spaceship will land later... or in the front garden of someone in California...funny Earthlings, cannot handle their troops.
They need your help down here, Minkey Girl, no doubt!
Let me tell you about the time that I was Gored By a Bull.
Oh, wait, that was Robert.
I should really be telling you about the time that I raced a buffalo.
No, wait, I was just a passenger in a car. And the buffalo was just standing there looking bored.
Ah! I know. I'll tell you all about my miraculous escape from an army of dive-bombing seagulls. It was a horrible experience. I was just talking to the ducks when they approached. At first I thought they were just a white cloud in the sky. But then I say the movement of the wings - there were so many of them! Their numbers must have been one-hundred-strong, if they were one. And they were coming right at me! The ducks, who until this point I had believed to be my friends, ran for cover under the weeds, knowing full well that the weeds would be no protection for me. What was I to do? I only had a few seconds before the seagulls would be upon me. Thinking quickly, I Ran Like Hell to the parking lot, grabbed the windshield washer hose on some little old lady's car, threw the little old lady out of the car, jumped into the car and shut the door, and waited for the oncoming attack. When the seagulls arrived they immediately went into dive-bomb formation, with multiple waves of bombers. The first group came at me with a wild flapping frenzy. But I was ready for them! I was shielded by the car. When they came into range, I started the windshield washer. Bullseye! I hit the seagull at the head of the formation right between its beady little eyes. The formerly white bird veered off in a dripping blue, screeching display of the annoying feeling of being hit in the face by a jet of windshield washer fluid. But the first wave kept coming! Again and again I flipped the wiper switch, and scored more hits. Some of the gulls managed to drop their ordinance, but it had no effect on me, shielded as I was by the little old lady's car. Realizing its utter defeat, the lead seagull called off the attack, and led his blue and battered flock away with their tails between their legs (which was something to see, if you know anything of the anatomy of a seagull). So there I was - safe, dry, and victorious! No damage to myself. Collateral damage was minimal - one dirty car, one dirty and strangely agitated little old lady, and a broken windshield washer hose. All in all, not a bad day's work.
So, just how is a big lumbering buffalo going to fight off dive bombing seagulls eh?
I am so glad you are here Minkey!
I must say that I think that carelessly tossed banana peels are the most dangerous problem facing our world today. Second, would be terrorism, of course.
and no imagine... Banana Terrorism!.. no, don't!! they are good, they just leave their clothes lying around everywhere :o)
Mitz-Funny Canadians always welcome to my home planet ;)
Fio-I told Harold to bake you pumpkin pies :) LOL banana terrorism...
Frank-LOL, your story is very heroic indeed.
Leigh-thx for visiting minkey planet, haha
Jamie-You can organize a protest about banana peels :)
Harold's a coool Mooose, really.
Turns out he likes hangin' around at the same spots as I did back when I was in 'Toronno'.
Talented guy that Moose... and of course, his pumpkin pies are delicious. Thx for tipping him off ;-)
hope the pointy white bearded elders calmed down a bit and that the Banana Boys will be more careful...
off for coffee and cake with the Spacegirl
how did you get the cool BG?
What do Tin Men do better?
Mr. Banana says he is too busy for the squad, but what is the test?
Irish-On the net
Weirsdo-walking on coal, bubble gum blowing,etc,etc
ATTN:I won't be allowing anonymous comments anymore because of junk ads, etc
P.S All who do will be zapped by my ultra zapper gun!
(°_°)´´´ ... i don´t like being zapped...
uhhhh uhhhhh my head feels like flying... mmpph?
where´s my body?
From a webdesigner earthling Muffy and longggggg hoursssss of playing with template.
The Tin Man is so cool...
Ola earthling folks :). As you've noticed my site has turned into a bubblegum or baby's room...Hahahaha Please bear with me for I don't know what I'm doing, lol
Minkey out
Minkey listening to "Cyndi Lauper-Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" :)
MG *comes up a bit sheepishly* could you help us stupid earthlings figure out how to get a template? I have tried and tried and i can't figure it out *bangs head on computer*
ya can you help me 2 PLEASE!cause i cant figure it out....aarrrggg PLEASE HELP!hehe
Oh bother! Thanks a lot Muffy!!! LOLOL
minkey, nice new look fyi....oh ps....i saw an over sized seagull today...shud i be weary?
Thx Mitz! :) I've been trying to hunt down the bugger for days.
Attn:Lads and lassies who wanna extreme website makeover, having a total breakdown because the way their site look or dunno what the heck they're doing (just like me) call minkey hotline or email please! Minkey trying to please humans with terrible webby problems since ummmm, she's figured out the t of template. If you don't receive an answer back in a few days that means I've been squished by a Bigfoot!
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