Monday, July 18, 2005


Minkey Girl is the proud owner of the new Harry Potter book and one box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, as of Saturday July 16th 2005, 3pm ET.

Warning: Do not mix up the red cherry bean with the earthworm flavored bean! It's a totally yucky experience...

Notice: I have lost a baby blue, hippo face bookmark. If anybody finds it, please return it to the Minkey Girl's lost and found booth. The naughty house elves might be behind it. Lost, loooooosssst :( . War!

Minkey Girl over & out

Coconutz FM 100 playing: Bruce Springsteen-War


At July 18, 2005, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

My kids have both FINISHED the new Potter book. I am in the middle now. Loving it!

At July 18, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

I don't wanna finish it that fast! Haha, waited so long.. I'm gonna read it as slowly as possible :)

At July 19, 2005, Blogger .:*Liss*:. said...

ya have fun reading it!tell me if you like it:Dand you are probably right the elves are probably behind this missing bookmark...we'll get them back...muahaha

At July 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn that Barry Potter.....yea i said Barry.
im that lazy i just went online to know the ending mwahaha.
in other news i always thought the house elves were a peaceful i mistaken?

At July 19, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

They like making noises in the kitchen and they also switch things around the house, making it difficult for me to find stuff.

At July 19, 2005, Blogger PirateKayle said...

lol those Jelly Beans are crazy! I had a nasty one once it was Snot flavored or somethin wierd. I like Harry Potter books but I hated the last one Harry was like wah nobody likes me wah wah wah! Boo who! I only got to chapter 10 before I was like screw it. I need to read the new one though.

At July 19, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

LOL earthworm and cherry... sounds good but yucky at the same time lol!!!!!!!! just woundering here but who are all these people mg?

At July 19, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Fellow bloggers that I also visit :)

At July 19, 2005, Blogger me said...

I have the Harry Potter book and I would be done with it but my mom is reading it to the hole family so it takes longer! It's really good isn't it!!!

At July 20, 2005, Blogger fatrobot said...

harry tries acid in this book

At July 20, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Lol, I don't think so...

At July 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the advise on the mixin...i'll be sure to steer clear! ;)

At July 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of these comments are fine and well, but they are all missing the most important question:

Where can I get a Minkey Cam? I want a Minkey Cam!!!

At July 20, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

My camera is from Zipton. You don't have that kinda technology yet, haha

At July 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I will invade Zipton and enslave all of its monkeys. I must have that camera!

At July 21, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Keep dreamin' pal! Hahaha you'll be squished like a banana in a second!


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