Friday, May 27, 2005

News from the Bananaville Gazette


-Mayor Munky announces that he'll present Minkey Girl the city's golden banana if she finds the Sasquatch.
-Pointy White Beard Elders hold a meeting to discuss about the controversial Sasquatch issue.
-Bananaville Officials find an illegal coconut field operation run by the Sticky Fingers.

Bananaville Gazette Exclusive!

We have the first photo of what might be the Sasquatch that Minkey Girl was assigned to find.

Our insider reports that Minkey Girl's mission has been the most difficult one so far and being relocated up north was a tough ordeal. She's suffered the cruel effects of Redneckism, country music, clothing stores left from really old times, raging bulls and bug bites. Minkey Girl adds that there aren’t any cafés that make mocopachusnos either.

MG- I’ve learned new vocabulary up here, like “Howdy y’all!”,“Pickup truck”, "Tavern" and "Line dancing".

Interviewer- How did you find this creature?

MG- I was wondering in the bushes like I do everyday looking for Bigfoot when a swarm of bugs started attacking me. So I was running away like a mad monkey when I hit something hard and fell back on my bum. That’s when I met Harold.

Interviewer- Harold?

MG- Yes, Harold. That creature with the goofy looking face.

Interviewer- So you can obviously communicate with this creature.

MG- Yes, it wasn’t that difficult for me.

Interviewer- Did Harold say whether he is a Sasquatch?

MG- That information is classified.

Interviewer- What can you tell us about him?

MG- He is single, very friendly, likes popcorn and having long walks by the river. He visits me every day and has been teaching me how to make a pumpkin pie.

Moki Reporting


At May 27, 2005, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

Harold is friendly, but I have sad news... He is not a Sasquatch.
He is, however, big, hairy and a beast.

At May 27, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

*Minkey Girl turning up the volume of her stereo*
You know this place is tapped by the MBIS (Monkey Business Intelligence Service) don't ya!

At May 27, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Nah! I'll give them the blue M&M's that'll do it. Oh, by the way feel free to ask for my pumpkin pie recipe.

At May 27, 2005, Blogger Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Hey Rockey! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! Oh, sorry, that's not my hat and that wasn't my rabbit....

At May 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a donkey/horsey thingy. I bet he works in an office and has a house with a tv with surround sound speakers.....wat a life he leads

At May 28, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Well Harold told me to put pumpkin in it..

At May 28, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Boy are we gonna be entertained by Muffy's chicken dance, way to go!

At May 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OHHHHH did i miss her doin the chicken dance???? DRAT!!!!

At May 30, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Horsey you can do us your own dance! :)

At May 30, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Btw squishy marshmallows Harold is looking for a date. Anybody interested?

At May 30, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

It's alright now, I found a cow that agreed to go on a blind date with him.

At May 31, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

A long, long time ago there lived a young cow called Muny. She had an evil stepmother who made her believe that she was the ugliest cow on the planet. One day a space minkey came along and saved Muny from her stepmother (who was zapped several times!) and introduced her to a handsome Sasquatch called Harold. Harold and Muny soon got married and lived happily ever after... The End
P.S. I dedicate this to my lovely earthling friends!

At May 31, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Chapter II- Minkey Girl had to duel with Muny's stepmother's love interest who was called the Mad Turkey Baron. He was famous for his unexpected attacks. A warrior named Queen Muffy was one of the few survivors who could tell the story.

At May 31, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew a Harold once.

He was a computer geek who was dating a friend of mine, because they were both from Newfoundland and met on an aeroplane one day. He was the kind of guy who nearly got fired for work for skipping so many days so that he could work on his own website. At least, that's what I heard.

Harold doesn't date my friend anymore. So I don't know any Harold's right now.

Pink Floyd had a song about bikes that featured a mouse without a house called Harold. It was quite an interesting song with a chorus that didn't seem to relate to the verses at all, plus a wierd quacking sound effect at the end that had nothing to do with Harold, gingerbread men, or bike baskets. It was on one of their earlier wierd albums, before they got really dramatic prog rock with stuff like Dark Side and The Wall.

At June 01, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Hmmm, I have to listen to that song. Frank are you a shrink or something?

At June 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turns out that the mouse without a house is a Gerold, and not a Harold. Time is an enemy.

At June 01, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Tea time!! Frank have some tea! Madhatter always has some fresh tea and I'll bring the cupcakes.

At June 03, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Hey Muffy! Tell us your duel with Mad Turkey.

At June 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope Harold will not be chickening out of this affair...

At June 04, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Harold wants to take Muny to Vegas but she thinks things are going too fast.


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