Tuesday, August 02, 2005


It was a one loooooooong, hot weekend (Monday was labor day here in Canada). Perfect time to go on a Sasquatch hunt, no I mean to go looking for new members for my elite Minkey Squad. Here I give you the names of the new, brave chipmunks that joined me. Oh, by the way, these are a few of my brilliant disguises…

“Bruno the Thunderous” Favorite quote “I love marshmallows”.

“Sandy the Drama Queen” Favorite quote “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”.

“Black Beard Sammy” Favorite quote “Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!” Behind us Sammy’s sidekick “Lucky Duke of Henderland”.

336 Royal Quakie Air Cadet Squadron”

Minkey Girl looking for beavers on the treacherous river”.

P.S. Like my T-Shirt?

Announcements: Happy Birthday Kayla! Happy Birthday Kayla! Happy Birthday Kayla!

Minkey Girl over & out

Coconutz FM 100 playing: Carl Douglas-Kung Fu Fighting


At August 02, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Love the t-shirt, thanks for the birthday notice and What kind of test did thesechipmunks have to pass? I am very intrested lol... And i love the black beard sammy costume!!! lol

At August 02, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

O wait... it wasn't the right name for the pic i liked sry lol it was Sandy the Drama Queen lol

At August 02, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Lol, those are the names of the new comers, not me ;)

At August 02, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

They had to walk on burning coal, find the best chocolate ice cream, change a flat tire and bounce high as a monkey.

At August 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I WANT TO BE PART of the Squad...I have a big humpty dumpty outfit...does that count? I can take off the head and replace it with a pumpkin? ;)

good luck new members...go scout your turkeys and pigeon poopers.

At August 03, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Wicked :). That outfit would be great!

At August 03, 2005, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

That is quite a motley crew you've assembled.
I could do some undercover work for you by telepathy. My skills are top notch.
You may like to visit:
It is run by Mrs. Weirsdo and she uses Barbie dolls and stuffed animals who live in a wonderful, silly world.

At August 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sorry does anyone not notice THE HUGE (POSSIBLY TALKING) STRAWBERRY? i had a bad experience with a strawberry once.....i shall never go back

At August 03, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

*MG sends Mr.Beck two boxes of strawberries* Muhahaha

At August 03, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Wow Jamie, I didn't know you had hidden powers. Btw, I'm too old to play with Barbie dolls, haha

At August 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[quote] "YOU KILL ME!!!

Please no bad words on your blogs.
Blog Manager

At August 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I'll work on it and submit! ;)
you're so damn funny, I love it!

At August 04, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

LOL Mitz, thxs :)

At August 04, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Btw, who's anonymous???????

At August 04, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Yeah, where r the rest of the Irish lassies?? :)

At August 04, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Thx gals :)

At August 04, 2005, Blogger PirateKayle said...

Lol dude that watermelon's hilarious. I was sad to see no cherry or grape recruits, poor cherries on the streets unemployed, poor little buggers.

At August 05, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

We can make u an undercover cherry if you like ;)

At August 07, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I AM HERE *makes a grand entrance* lol. Can I be a fruit but not be eatable (hehe i like that word to lol, eatable). I don't want someone to eat me...

At August 07, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Ok Irish Horse L I'll tell the squad to keep hungry pigeons away from you, haha

At August 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo minkey girl i love u o so much

some one

At August 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Minkey Girl,

congrats on your new squad, looks promising.
Great disguises and yep, like your Bad Tomato tee. Mine reads Bad Banana :o)
Undercover cherry sounds good, can I be undercover raspberry?? I'll be esp. raspy to any intruder. ..

Tomorrow the space travelling Earthlings return, let's hope they checked their spaceship carefully -with the help of the 'Canadarm', yeah! I said I love your country, didn't I :o)

what about these attacking poopy pigeons meanwhile??

At August 08, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Someone- I luv earthlings too :)
Fio-You're one of the best, u can be whatever u like ;)
Justanother-Sure, hop on. U and Mitz can be partners, haha

At August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minkey Girl: Thanks for taking Jamie Dawn's advice. I am interested in the Bananaville angle, as there is a character on The Pansi Files called Mr. Banana. He belongs to the Banana crime family. He is a modified Frodo doll, though, and bears no resemblance to a real banana. Would he be of use to your squad, if he were interested?

At August 08, 2005, Blogger Minkey girl said...

Absolutely! Minkey Squad will happily accept Mr.Banana though he'll have to pass the test.


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