Memoirs from a Minkey Girl Coming Soon...
Ok, ok I know you all ran away from the chipmunk's song so I put that away in the attic...
Having barely escaped from my last adventure in the mountains has taken it's toll on me and I've been a sick and sore minkey for awhile...I won't say much, however I've saved the duck and he has joined the Minkey Squad. He's been a good friend and has been making cookies & gingerbread man for me (that are quite yummy!) Right now I'm working on my memoirs and won't have time to post much. However, to all my cute Earthling friends out there stay safe and come and say hello once in awhile! Hey you know who to call if you cross an ugly monster or evil turkey!
Minkey Girl over & out
Order your copy today! Coming out whenever it's printed by the cows... Don't leave your bathroom without it!!
WARNING! May cause your livestock to dance, your sheep may start bouncing. However, it is toaster friendly. Not responsible for burnt toast...
Coconutz FM 100 playing: We're Off To See The Wizard (Dorothy could have kept the last bit shorter...)
Can I toast the sheep?
No touching the sheep!!! Grrr
that books sounds better than the da vinci code, and toaster safe! i cant lose im sending my money straight away
Yippeeeee! Finally! The first earthling buying a copy! The sheeps orders were getting quite annoying!!!! I'll send a sticker of a smiling goat with it.
:) "There and Back Again". That's good!
you'll send a sticker of a smiling goat with it? wait a minute i remember buying another book "cows,meows and eyebrows" and they took all my money away and all i recieved was a sticker of a smiling goat......MG were u behind this evil deed? if so the court of justice and things awaits u
TO MB, no that was my book THAT YOU STOLE FROM ME, you sick sick sick indiviual (hes sick)
ANYWAY, about them cakes i need more? i dunno if ive tried them before but none the less SEND SEND SEND (i really want you to send them)
and the da vinici code is a lie, it says at the beging
"any refrence or character in this story that relates to real life is purely coincidental" or some pap like that....
Haha! I see...Rock King are you a hobbit??? On my planet we like cooking little hobbits...
P.S I'll drop you off those cakes from my spaceship tonite. Not responsible for tummy troubles!
Don't toast the sheep it's cute! And your book sounds far more interesting than the forced literary reading I have to do in school. And cake...yum.
I wish I had a sheep...
Polka, if you knew what I was dealing with you wouldn't say that. I have to say, their bedtime poetry has been improving...
The sheep? Lol
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