News from the other planet formally known as Planet Earth, informally known as "The land of the not so wise, but hopefuls."
Ticket Against Jaywalking Chicken Tossed-AP
RIDGECREST, Calif. - A chicken that got a ticket for crossing the road has clawed his way out of it. State law restricts livestock on highways, but not domestic animals. It's not a problem when dogs run around in our neighborhood," Linc Moore said. "But when our chicken escaped and crossed the road once it became a huge issue."
Comments made by various entities;
Minkey Girl: Oh the insanity! I would like to see more of this on Court TV.
Robin: Holy, super chicken Batman!
His Holiness the 66th Holy Cow, the Holy Lord of Wisdom: Hmmm, the force is strong with this one. Bring him to me.
Coconutz FM 100 playing: Wild Wild Life-Talking Heads