Friday, March 25, 2005

Teflon. To Use or Not To Use? That is the question.

What do these daily items have in common?

Hello you earthling munchkins, I'm devoting this little space for awareness of the silent toxin Teflon.

Did you know Teflon is PolyTetraFluoroEthylene (PTFE), a large, complex organic polymer, which when broken down, forms several different types of simpler, smaller, organic chemicals that are gases that travel in the air. Dupont's plant produces a toxin called perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. These chemicals have proven to be very toxic to animals, our environment and possibly humans. Please follow these links for accurate information about the dangers of Teflon.
*CBC Marketplace/Contaminants/"There's something in the air, and it may be coming from your carpet." Broadcast: March 20, 2005 :
*Update about the lawsuit against the DuPont plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia " Teflon Chemical in Drinking Water Costs DuPont $107 Million"
*Studies showing how PFOA's are spreading in animals worldwide

Minkey Girl over & out

Coconutz FM 100 playing: It's the end of the world as we know it- Great Big Sea

When Bad Things Happen To Good Bags...


Caution! If you happen to own a Guess bag with Paris Hilton's face on it, please kindly proceed to the next blog. This blog may cause mild nausea or irritation.

So there it was, my cute Guess bag (not the one seen in the picture, but I wouldn't mind receiving it on my birthday...hint, hint you know who) sitting on my dresser as usual, on a very cold, dreary, winter morning. By the way, I've been seeing these dreadful Guess bags that have Paris Hilton's face all over them! What the hell?? I mean, what the hell?? Anybody? Anyways, something very unfortunate happened to my very bag that morning. You see, I had to carry two stool samples, not one but freakin' two samples to the hospital that day, in my pretty Guess bag (No I couldn't take another bag, shoot me coz I'm a girl!!Grrr) Believe me, it wasn't fun carrying that thing, knowing what's in it. Made me so nervous, so uncomfortable...That bag will never be the same again ladies and gentilmen. Neither my see one of the containers wasn't sealed tight enough! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Minkey Girl over & out