One of those days...
I was being chased by a herd of angry goats, when I rolled off the bed, it was 11.30 am. I quickly put my jeans on, having difficulty zipping it, rushing to the bathroom to find out that I hadn’t taken off my nite shorts! (duh!) so I giggled a little. Most of the day was spent in bed …(ehem, no comment). Around 7 pm, we decided to make an extremely rare appearance at the Notre-Dame Basilica. Even though being a free spirit, wanting to light a candle for the ones I miss. On our way to the church, the car decided to break down in the middle of the street. It was 8. For a few seconds I wondered if it was a sign. Around 8.30 pm I had to survive the ice and -16 C to push the car to the sidewalk. Minkey boy had to take out the X-mas gift that he was hiding in the car and carry it around with him (I still don’t know what it is!). We took the metro. I liked the choir and the massive sky blue ceiling with golden stars. The mass was in French. We don’t know French. We left after half and hour. It’s 11.32 pm now... I want to open my gift!! I’m hungry…
Minkey girl over & out
Minkey girl over & out